Thursday, March 10, 2022

I'm Always Learning New Things As A Homemaker

 An entirely homemade breakfast.  

Yogurt, orange marmalade, peanut butter, and whole wheat bread made with freshly ground flour.

I'm not sharing this little breakfast to brag about it.  What I want to point out is that these are all things I learned to do within the past 2-3 years.

It's a lot cheaper to make yogurt at home with a gallon of milk rather than buy a tub of it already prepared, so I learned how to make yogurt.  

Someday I hope to make jam with fruit from our own fruit trees, so I started learning those skills by making and canning marmalade with store bought oranges.  

We discovered we could make peanut butter ourselves without any added oil or sugar, resulting in a more nutritious food we could enjoy.

Noah did the math on the cost of a loaf of bread from the store as compared to the sandwich bread I could make at home.  This led us down the rabbit hole of freshly ground flour.  We bought a grain mill, some bags of grain, and we haven't bought a loaf of sandwich bread from the store since.  The bread I make it home is a bit more expensive than the store bought bread we were buying since it is a higher quality product, but it is much more nutritious so I think it is worth the price difference.

On one of my favorite podcasts, Homemaker Chic, they often talk about "skilling up" as a homemaker.  Their view is that a homemaker might not be an expert in a specific field of study, such as someone with a job dedicated to one subject, but she does have the advantage of her knowledge being very broad simply because of everything her vocation entails, and the opportunity to continually improve her wide skillset.

My marmalade did turn out a bit runny, sometimes I over-proof my bread and it falls flat, and I'm often forgetting to do things around the house.  So I might not always execute things perfectly as if it were the only thing I'm focusing on, but I'm still learning and making an effort.

I am blessed with the responsibility of taking care of my family and the many avenues I travel day to day fulfilling my purpose.

One day I might be learning to bake a new bread or special treat to go with a meal.  On another I'm reading about gardening techniques so we can grow vegetables in the summer.  I'll find new activities and books for the kids to enjoy.  I'm trying to keep the kitchen tidy so I can make meals efficiently (I'm always working on that one).  Forever keeping up with laundry so everyone has clean clothes to wear.  Teaching the kids how to put away dishes, sort laundry, and clean the house.  Learning what to do when the kids are sick and how to keep them comfortable.

There is never a shortage of things to do or new skills to learn having to do with our basic daily needs.

Every homemaker is different and we all have a wide range of interests.  Don't feel like you are limited because you don't have a "career" in the worldly sense of the word.  Instead, take advantage of your tasks at hand and learn how you can "skill up" and accomplish them even better.

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