Wednesday, August 4, 2021

1,000 Hours Outside - June and July Recap

Summer is entirely too short.  I can't believe it's already the beginning of August as I'm writing this post.

We spent about 52 hours outside in June and 64 hours in July, for a grand total of 116 hours!  That is the most time we have spent outside so far this year!

There were days of high heat, humidity, sick kids, and the beginning of potty training that kept us inside, but we got outside as much as we could.

We spent time tending to the garden and the kids love to play in the water table and our small pool.  We went to the beach one evening and recently picked blueberries.  We also enjoyed a visit from my parents in June and took a trip to the Zoo in July.

Watching our neighbor's field being mowed.

Adeline and Oliver enjoy getting to have snacks and popsicles outside.  

We brought in a Monarch caterpillar so the kids could watch it turn into a butterfly.  It popped out of its chrysalis early in the morning before anyone was up, but the kids still loved checking on it every day.  They also love to watch the bees enjoying my many flowers in the landscaping.

I told Noah it seems like I see more bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds around our house every year as the amount of flowers in my landscaping slowly increases.

There were some really cool LEGO sculptures at the zoo!

One great advantage of the warm summer weather is that when the kids enter their "before bedtime crazy energy zone" we can all go outside and let them burn off steam before they go to bed.

I'll say it again, summer is entirely too short.  It is true that cooler weather won't fully blow in until towards the end of September, but the beginning of August makes me sad, because it is truly the last month of summer and guaranteed warm weather.

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